
A strong earthquake struck the southwestern Chinese province of Sichuan on Saturday, killing more than 30 people and injuring hundreds of others, local authorities said.

The quake struck just after 8 a.m. local time about 115 kilometers (70 miles) away from the provincial capital, Chengdu, at a depth of around 12 kilometers, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. There was conflicting information about the earthquake's strength, with the USGS putting the magnitude at 6.6 and the China Earthquake Networks Center gauging it at 7.0.當地時間清晨八點左右,在距離四川省會成都大約115公裡左右的,發生瞭震源深度為12公裡左右的地震。據美國USGS估計震級大約為6.6級,中國報道為7.0級。It was followed by at least eight aftershocks of magnitudes between 4.5 and 5.1, the USGS said.隨後,又發生瞭至少8次4.5-5.1級餘震。(小編註:21日17時05分在四川省成都市邛崍市附近又發生瞭5.0級左右地震,最終結果以正式速報為準。)Authorities have responded by sending rescue workers to the area around the epicenter, shutting down the airport in Chengdu and suspending high-speed rail operations, state media reported.政府已經輸送救援人員前往震中地區,並關閉瞭成都機場和高鐵。The event stirred memories of the devastating earthquake that hit Sichuan in 2008, killing more than 87,000 people.本次地震喚起瞭人民對2008年四川h毀滅性大地震的慘痛回憶,約有八萬七千名民眾在那次地震中遇難。The epicenter was in Lushan country, a district of Yaan. That area is home to China's famous giant pandas and houses the country's biggest panda research center.震中為雅安市蘆山縣,正是中國著名的大熊貓養殖基地。CCTV reported that the panda facility is about 40 kilometers away from the epicenter.據中央電視臺報道說大熊貓養殖基地處於距離震中大約40公裡的地方。Residents of Chongqing, a sprawling metropolis more than 300 kilometers from Yaan, said the quake also shook buildings there.在距離雅安300公裡處的大城市重慶,人們普遍反映震感強烈。讓我們力所能及,伸出援助之手:滬江公益《祈福雅安·共抗強震》

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